Catholic Social Thought

As part of this year's Forum, we will examine the ways Catholic social thought can help us engage in fruitful dialogue with those whose perspectives are different from our own, bridge social divides, and promote healing in the midst of suffering, division, and injustice.

  1. Text reads The Pathway to Ecological Citizenship and Spirituality. There is a cross made out of flowers on a green background.

    Catholic Social Teaching

    Call to Action! Care for Our Common Home. Part Two: Action

    In his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’: Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis “urgently appeals” for a “new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet.” We, the Notre Dame Minor in Sustainability and the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, invite you to enter into that dialogue by forming a team from your campus organization or local parish to participate in the two-part workshop, The Pathway to Ecological Citizenship and Spirituality, organized by the Catholic Climate Covenant and the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests.
  2. Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, a Caucasian man wearing clergy robes speaks to listeners in the foreground.

    Catholic Social Teaching

    Breakfast with Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

    The Tocqueville Fellows and students in Constitutional Studies will welcome to breakfast His Eminence, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Cardinal-Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.  Students will have a chance to dialogue with a major leader in the Church on significant questions at the nexus of the spiritual and the political, including how to navigate our call to serve the Church as faithful Catholics while also operating as engaged citizens active in local and national politics.
  3. An image of the Hesburgh Library and the Word of Life Mural

    Catholic Social Teaching

    Keynote Event

    Fr. TED Talks: Ideas from the Catholic Social Tradition That We Find Inspiring

    Honoring the legacy of legendary Notre Dame President Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Fr. TED Talks is a two-night festival on Notre Dame’s campus featuring short keynote talks from every corner of the Notre Dame community as we gather to consider all of the ways the pillars of Catholic social tradition animate our lives together.
  4. The Institute for Ethics and the Common Good logo

    Catholic Social Teaching

    Keynote Event

    Spring On Purpose Retreat: Encountering Love and the Dignity of the Human Person

    On Purpose is a program of immersive experiences that create space for students to engage in spiritual reflection and intellectual engagement that expands their moral imagination. Over Spring Break 2025, students will travel to learn and collaborate with partners who demonstrate profound commitments to human dignity in the face of serious challenges, demonstrating tangible love and care toward those on the social margins. These organizations are living examples of how best to wrestle with the question, "What do we owe each other?"
  5. An image of the skyline and trees in Nairobi, Kenya

    Catholic Social Teaching

    Keynote Event

    Zahm Retreat: Approaching Catholic Social Tradition through the African Church

    The Zahm Retreat is an annual gathering of Notre Dame faculty and administrators from multiple disciplines and diverse religious and ideological perspectives who are deeply committed to living out the mission of the University in the classroom and in their field of research. This year, during the fifth anniversary of the Zahm Retreat, participants will explore the question: How can Notre Dame’s mission be shaped by the global nature of the Church?