Zahm Retreat: Approaching Catholic Social Tradition through the African Church

Location: Kenya

An image of the skyline and trees in Nairobi, Kenya

Sponsored by the Notre Dame Ethics Initiative and the Notre Dame Institute for Ethics and the Common Good

The Zahm Retreat is an annual gathering of Notre Dame faculty and administrators from multiple disciplines and diverse religious and ideological perspectives who are deeply committed to living out the mission of the University in the classroom and in their field of research. This year, during the fifth anniversary of the Zahm Retreat, participants will explore the question: How can Notre Dame’s mission be shaped by the global nature of the Church?

This year’s Retreat will support up to fifteen faculty and administrative leaders in an exploration of Catholic Social Tradition, particularly the principles of the preferential option for the poor, care for creation, and solidarity, shaped by a global perspective. Inspired by the mission and ministry of the Congregation of Holy Cross around the world, we intend to bring the retreat to Nairobi, Kenya. Participants will have an opportunity to visit parishes, ministries, and educational institutions serving this community. A series of pre-retreat meetings in the Spring will prepare participants to more deeply understand Catholic communities in the region and their connection with Notre Dame. After the retreat, participants will plan opportunities to engage the broader campus with these themes.

More information about the retreat–including exact dates and the nomination process–is forthcoming.