Israel-Palestine Series

As a university community, we seek to engage with the controversial and difficult topics of our time. One such topic is Israel-Palestine. Over the coming academic year, the University will host a series of campus events on Israel-Palestine, addressing issues including the multiple narratives at play in the region; the application of international law; the role of universities in Israeli and Palestinian civil society; the distinctive vision of a Catholic university in relation to the conflict; peacebuilding in the midst of extreme polarization; and possible ways forward.

Alongside the event series, students are invited to participate in a one-credit course to delve deeper into the multiple narratives and enable productive disagreement or the possibility of progress toward agreement.

GLAF 30607
Israel, Palestine, and What We Owe Each Other
Mondays, September 9 through December 12
7:00 p.m. – 8:15.p.m.
B001 Jenkins Nanovic Halls

This series and the corresponding course will be co-led by Mahan Mirza, Executive Director of the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion and Teaching Professor, and Tzvi Novick, Abrams Jewish Thought and Culture Professor of Theology, with support from Notre Dame Jerusalem.

  1. Hussein Ibish and David Myers

    Israel-Palestine Series

    One Year after October 7: Historical Backdrop and Future Prospects

    This presentation will offer a multi-lens perspective on the lead-up to the Hamas attack of October 7, 2024, and the Israeli response in Gaza. Featuring Hussein Ibish, Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, and David Myers, Distinguished Professor and Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History, UCLA.